Despite the dreariness of the day, the beauty of the rural Missouri countryside was to be appreciated, and it reminded me of an Andrew Wyeth landscape. And I think that nearly every city, state, and country has a town named after it in Missouri (Nevada, Louisiana, Mexico, Cuba, Montreal, Houston (in Texas County), the list goes on and on.
I threw a bison brisket in the slow cooker before we left and came home to a fragrant house. It shredded with a fork and melted in your mouth. I made hot and sour soup (homemade) for me and the guys had egg rolls (frozen) till I got everything else together - a simply veggie stir fry and a new find that everyone loved. In lieu of boring steamed brown rice, I picked up a package of Chinese Noodles from China Bowl. They were a non-fried ramen type noodle, took less than five minutes to cook, soft, and I envision they'd be great in soup.
Sweet and Sour Slow Cooker (Bison) Brisket
(from cookinglight.com - no modifications)
(Photo from Cooking Light)
1 28 oz.can crushed tomatoes
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 2-1/2 lb.piece flat-cut brisket, trimmed - mine may have been larger
Salt and pepper
Place tomatoes, onion, garlic, raisins, brown sugar and lemon juice in a slow cooker and stir to combine. Sprinkle brisket with 1-1/2 tsp. salt and season with pepper. Place brisket on tomato mixture and then spoon half of tomato mixture on meat. Cover and cook on high until meat is fork tender, 5 to 6 hours. ***I cooked on high one hour, then low for likely 8 hours.
Transfer brisket to a cutting board, tent with foil to keep warm, and let stand for 10 minutes. Skim fat from sauce and discard; season sauce with salt and pepper. Slice brisket across grain, transfer to a serving platter and spoon some sauce over meat.
Yield: 6 Servings
mmmm, good, great and an excelent recipe for dinner, make's me apetising only when i look at the picture :)