Culinary To-Do List

A number of months ago I decided to formally develop a compilation of things I want to prepare sometime (and publish it to keep me accountable and blog more frequently). I’ve seen younger bloggers do it with the number of items to reflect their age (I’m non-disclosing that), and I decided to simply compile my list and what results is the number of items I have – 25. I like the roundness of it and to get through all this will be an attainable challenge.
I don’t consider myself much of a baker so I was surprised at the number of items that fall in the baking and dessert categories. Even thought I don’t bake routinely, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the experience of preparing slightly demanding baked goods such as cinnamon rolls, baklava, Julia Child’s pate a choux with crème patissiere (cream puffs), baked Alaska, soft pretzels, and pop tarts. It got me thinking of other things I’ve made without much thought – ricotta, gnocchi, raviolis, beef Bourguignonne, roasted chicken, cioppino, fried chicken, crown pork roast with dirty rice, pickles, jam – and I do cook a lot and have made a lot of interesting, often complicated things. I’m really looking forward to new adventures with the list I’ve amassed.

  1. English muffin bread - recipe posted here (4/22/13)
  2. Graham crackers
  3. Marshmallows
  4. Sourdough bread
  1. Limoncello
  1. Baked grapefruit
  1. Mayo
  2. Pickled watermelon rinds
  3. Worcestershire sauce
  1. Boston creme pie
  2. Lavender rosemary short bread
  3. Macaroons
  4. Whoopie Pies
  5. Zabaglione
  1. Bulgogi with kimchi
  2. Molè sauce
  3. Pho
  4. Vindaloo
  1. Beef Wellington
  2. Coquilles Saint Jacques
  3. Lobster Thermador
  4. Salt and pepper shrimp
  5. Standing rib roast (with popovers, which I’ve already made)
  6. Whole fish baked in salt
  1. Julia Child’s French onion soup

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